On the Greenway: Creating New Wetlands

The Wolf River Conservancy has many special protected places within the watershed, but one of the most impactful spaces is our 125-acre Epping Way property. Hundreds of K-12 students have been educated on this property – under the direction of our wonderful Director of Education Cathy Justis. The diverse habitats and great recreational access provided by the Wolf River Greenway often widens the eyes of impressionable youth. Approximately 2 more acres of the property will be enhanced further with the creation of two wetland ponds. Construction of these wetlands will greet you at the entrance from Epping Way Drive. Upon completion, these wetlands will store flood water - slowing and holding, and filtering it - and provide quality habitats for native wetland plant and animal species. The Conservancy will plant these areas with native wetland plants that can help establish a quality wetland area. This effort is the latest installment of our restoration efforts at this important property.
The Wolf River Conservancy is enhancing its 125-acre Epping Way property with two new wetland ponds to support local ecology and education.