Natural Highlights: Northern Catalpa

One of the tree species destined for our Annual Tree Planting event on Mar. 1 at Mud Island is the uniquely beautiful Northern Catalpa (Catalpa speciosa).
Imagine you are paddling the Wolf River in late spring. The weather is perfect, and the forest glows a vibrant green from the newly emerged leaves. You paddle around the bend and kapow! Something remarkable catches your eye - an abundance of white flowers that look like orchids nestled atop large leaves hanging over the river. This is the catalpa tree (Catalpa speciosa). Upon closer inspection, the 2-inch-long white flowers contain whisps of purple and yellow on the inside with a slightly sweet fragrance. These flowers are a favorite of honeybees and several other pollinators. This species can grow to become a medium sized tree around 60 feet tall that prefers sun or part-sun. Fishermen may know this tree for its “catawba/catalpa worms”, which are actually caterpillars that will become catalpa sphinx moths (if not used for fish bait). As the end of summer approaches, you’ll find long bean pods dangling from the tree limbs. These pods open to release hundreds of seeds that are windblown in hopes of finding a sunny spot to start a new tree.
Join us on March 1 at Mud Island to plant the beautiful Northern Catalpa tree, known for its stunning flowers and vital role in local ecosystems!