News & Press

April 2022: A Message from Our Director

Wolf Mountain Howling
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Wolf River Conservancy
April 25, 2022

x min read

April 2022: A Message from Our Director

Saturday’s Earth Day Service Project at Kennedy Park concluded this year’s 2022 Wolf River Restoration Series  - and what a successful series it has been!  A total of 530 volunteers participated in our project this year – an astounding response from the community. The volunteer response this year was amazing!  Here’s what they accomplished:

  • 7,814 pounds of trash collected
  • 4,125 trees planted
  • 2,000 feet of trail improved
  • 34 nest boxes built or installed

The Wolf River Restoration Series is a series of service projects and related online lectures designed to engage volunteers and raise awareness of the Wolf River Conservancy’s conservation mission.  We launched the 2022 Restoration Series in January with a Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service at the Epping Way section of the Wolf River Greenway.  February and early March featured two tree planting events, one rural and one urban, followed by a World Water Day land and water trash clean up at Wolf River Harbor.  We finished up at Kennedy Park on April 23rd.  Our online speakers included Memphis Rox/One Family, Doug Tallamy, Protect Our Aquifer, and Jenna Thompson – we thank them for their expertise and participation!  Recorded programs can be found on our YouTube channel.

Wolf River Conservancy staff works hard to plan meaningful service projects which can engage a large number of volunteers while also addressing real environmental needs, making our community cleaner and our local habitats healthier.

We want to acknowledge this year’s Wolf River Restoration Series Presenting Sponsor Brother International – thank you!

And thanks to all of our Sustaining Sponsors: AutoZone, Buckman, Bank of America, International Paper, FEDEX, Hyde Family Foundation, Jim Keras Subaru, Ring Container Technologies and Sylvamo.

Be sure to check our Activity Calendar for upcoming events such as Discover the Greenway!

Thank you all for your continued support.

530 volunteers joined Wolf River Restoration Series, collecting 7,814 lbs of trash, planting 4,125 trees, and improving 2,000 ft of trails. Thank you!


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