News & Press

July 2022: A Message from Our Director

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Wolf River Conservancy
July 25, 2022

x min read

July 2022: A Message from Our Director

Dear Wolf River Conservancy friend,

"The Earth is what we all have in common” – the quote from American novelist Wendell Berry speaks volumes about the importance of conservation and the outdoors, which is now more relevant than ever.

As we continue to fulfill our mission to protect land in the Wolf River watershed, it is essential not only to reflect on our past accomplishments but also to envision our bright future. The nearly 19,000 acres, strategically stretched across the wetlands and forests of the Wolf River, that the Conservancy has protected forever – for you, for our neighbors, for our region and for generations to come – enables safe recharge of the Memphis Sand Aquifer, our prized underground drinking water source.

Let’s take our work beyond a map. What does 19,000 acres look like? Well, it is equivalent in size to over 14,000 football fields. It is 1,350 times the size of FedEx Forum in downtown Memphis. It is larger than 22 Central Parks in New York City.

Because of your unwavering support and the tremendous need that remains, the Wolf River Conservancy, as a nationally accredited land trust, remains committed and focused on our mission to protect land and water. This is the heart of our work:

  • Ghost River: The saving of the Ghost section of the Wolf River is one of the Conservancy’s most important stories. In 1995, about 4,000 acres of forests and wetlands faced the threat of becoming timbered and divided into numerous lots. Because of amazing grassroots and fundraising efforts, the Ghost was saved. Through the continued partnership between the Conservancy and the state over the last 30 years, the acreage has now grown to over 11,000 acres of state-owned natural area and wildlife management area for the public to enjoy.
  • Wolf River Greenway: If you've visited the Wolf River Greenway, you understand that it is much more than a trail. You may not realize the Greenway is part of our land conservation plan. The Greenway is a system of protected spaces and parks for scenic beauty, public use, and watershed health that now totals 1,800 acres.
  • North American Wetlands Conservation Act: The Conservancy was recently awarded a national grant from the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA). This grant enables us to protect an additional 1,250 acres by 2023, positioning our conservation work towards the future.

Generous donors, volunteers, landowners, and citizens help make all this possible. YOU make our work possible. We hope that you will consider a gift to further our land conservation efforts. Please visit our website at to make a safe and secure online gift. We are grateful for your continued support.

Wolf River Conservancy protects 19,000 acres of wetlands and forests, supporting aquifer recharge and habitat. Help us preserve these vital lands.


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