July 2023: A Message from Our Executive Director

Dear Wolf River Conservancy Friend,
As I write this, I am drinking a tall glass of water pumped from the Memphis Sand Aquifer by Memphis, Light, Gas, and Water (MLGW). And with the recent hot temperatures, this glass of clean water is not only appreciated but much needed to tolerate the heat.
You may be aware of a recent study which ranked the City of Memphis #1 in Clean Drinking Water out of the 70 largest U.S. cities (https://waterfilterguru.com/us-cities-with-best-water/). More information on the study and to see how other cities ranked can be found at this link: City of Memphis #1 in Clean Drinking Water.
Think about how important it is that our community has the cleanest drinking water in the country. And that’s not all; it has also been estimated that based on our current usage, Shelby County may have access to over 500 years of water from the Memphis Sand Aquifer. Unlike many communities in our country and around the world, we have an abundance of clean drinking water, a precious natural resource. This abundant – and inexpensive - resource not only helps to keep our community healthy but provides economic benefits as well. Many manufacturers locate to Memphis and Shelby County to access our water and make their processes more efficient and cost effective.
But we cannot take our clean drinking water for granted!
The Wolf River Conservancy has played a significant role in safeguarding our clean drinking water by protecting 19,000 acres in the Wolf River watershed, land valued at over $30 million. We focus our conservation efforts on the wetlands in the floodplain of the Wolf River and its tributaries which help to recharge the Memphis Sand Aquifer, the source of our drinking water. Our Board of Directors remains committed to a science-based Strategic Conservation Plan that protects water and wildlife in the Wolf River Watershed now and for future generations.
We are pleased to be part of the effort to protect our clean drinking water. The news that Memphis ranks #1 in clean drinking water is an affirmation that our land conservation work does make a difference. To learn more about our conservation work, please visit this link.
Thanks to you all for your continuing support.
Keith Cole
Executive Director
July 2023: A Message from Our Executive Director Dear Wolf River Conservancy Friend,As I write this, I am drinking a tall glass of water pumped from the Memphis Sand Aquifer by Memphis, Light, Gas, and Water (MLGW). And with the recent hot temperatures, this glass of clean water