March 2023: A Message from Our Executive Director

March 2023: A Message from Our Director
Dear Wolf River Conservancy friend,
We are so fortunate to have a forward-looking and proactive board which understands the importance of navigating our organization into the future to meet our broad strategic goals. Every five years, the Wolf River Conservancy creates a new “Strategic Plan; our current plan will conclude at the end of 2023.
We are entering a new planning process with a facilitator to engage the board and staff to look ahead to the future and envision what the organization’s priorities should be in keeping with our conservation mission to “preserve and enhance the Wolf River and its watershed as a sustainable natural resource. This new plan will provide a continued pathway for success almost 40 years since our founding in 1985.
Some of the big strategic questions might include:
How do we better quantify our land conservation outcomes and goals?
What’s next for the Conservancy after the construction of the Wolf River Greenway?
How do we continue to grow our educational and recreational opportunities?
You, too, can be part of the strategic planning process. We are launching our first ever external survey of our donors and volunteers to better inform our understanding of how we are perceived and our future strategic priorities. We value your feedback!
It is very easy to participate and takes 10 minutes or less to complete. You can access the survey at this link: Wolf River Conservancy Survey. We will be collecting survey results until May 1. With your help, our new Strategic Plan should be completed and publicly available by September of this year.
Remember to visit our Calendar at for all the latest Conservancy activities. As always, we appreciate the tremendous support of our donors and volunteers!
Thank you!
Keith Cole
Executive Director
March 2023: A Message from Our Director Dear Wolf River Conservancy friend, We are so fortunate to have a forward-looking and proactive board which understands the importance of navigating our organization into the future to meet our broad strategic goals. Every five years, the Wolf River