On the Greenway: A Newly Certified Park and Recreation Professional

Nick Wiggins, the Conservancy's Community Conservation Manager - who can often be seen patrolling the open sections of the Wolf River Greenway in a bright green truck - has earned his certification as a Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP).

According to the National Recreation and Park Association website, the Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP) certification is the national standard for all parks and recreation professionals who want to be at the forefront of their profession. Attaining the CPRP designation shows that you have met education and experience qualifications, and illustrates your commitment to the profession as well as your knowledge and understanding of key concepts within parks and recreation.
The Certified Park and Recreation examination is administered under the auspices of the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) and the National Certification Board (NCB). The examination focuses on knowledge and situational experience in five core competencies: communication, programming, finance, human resources, and operations. Certified Park and Recreation Professionals complete yearly continuing education credits through the NRPA or other educational opportunities, conferences and workshops that enable the professional to stay abreast of changing trends and best practices in the park and recreation field. Holding a CPRP certification illustrates to the public that the professional is committed in their role of bringing quality experiences to the public they work to serve.
The Wolf River Greenway trail, still under construction, will bring many opportunities for recreation, education, and conservation to the 22 neighborhoods it will traverse through upon completion. Beginning in the fall of 2020 the Wolf River Conservancy began hosting free community recreational and education programming along sections of the Wolf River Greenway trail, and there has been tremendous growth in participation. Having a CPRP certification on our staff will ensure that varied programming options are available for all users at the highest level of quality possible according to industry standards.
Nick Wiggins, the Conservancy's Community Conservation Manager - who can often be seen patrolling the open sections of the Wolf River Greenway in a bright green truck - has earned his certification as a Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP).