What An Incredible Year!

What an incredible year!
The Wolf River Conservancy has been very busy in 2023. We have managed to conserve over 1,100 acres of land, plant more than 11,000 trees, and reach over 5,800 people with education programs! Thanks to our partners, we have achieved remarkable conservation accomplishments this year. We are tremendously proud to be working towards a better, greener future for our community.
We have big plans for 2024 and we need your support to make it happen. Please consider making a year-end donation before December 31 to help us preserve and protect the Wolf River and its watershed. Donate today and make a difference in supporting our environment today, tomorrow, and for future generations. wolfriver.org/give
Many companies offer a matching gift program that can double the value of your donation. Please check your company’s matching gift program and have your gift make twice the impact!
The Greenway Soirée • Nov 11: Limited tickets left for 2023! Reserve now! Presented by Ring Container, don’t miss this evening of celebration.